Our Mission

Welcome to Go Puppy!

Go Puppy was developed by two dog breeders with a vision to bridge Breeders and Puppy Buyers. Moreover, it is a site which provides security and the ability to manage all of your dog’s records. In essence, Go Puppy is a virtual safe deposit box for your records.

We strive to be an ethical site which adheres to breed standards while following ethical breeding practices. Our site is membership only–Breeders must be in good standing with their local and/or parent club and within their breeding community.

Puppy mills and unethical Breeders are not granted membership to Go Puppy.  Practicing unethical breeding will result in instant removal from Go Puppy per our terms and conditions. We have no intention in judging the quality of a breeding program, nor if you produce a trait which may be undesirable to your breed. Go Puppy membership disqualification applies to Breeders who purposely breed against the defined breed standards.

We provide Breeders with the security of long-term record management. Our site is backed up daily to secure off-site servers, which means your information will never be lost. Go Puppy offers customizable litter portfolios and electronic contact signing between the Breeder and new Puppy Owner. Our extensive logging system allows Breeders to track virtually every aspect of their dog’s life–no category has been left out! For example, Breeders can search by microchip number for a lost puppy and track breeding and whelping. The tools available are endless!

Puppy and Dog Owners can track every aspect of their dog’s life including veterinary records, medication, and vaccination schedules. The logging system has endless possibilities. Our Puppy Owner resource section offers a wealth of educational articles, links, and blogs including how to train and care for your puppy or new dog.

Our best feature: All of your records are stored indefinitely in our secure site where only you are able to remove them. The days of compiling paper puppy packets and lost paperwork are over. Go green with Go Puppy.

We hope you enjoy Go Puppy as much as we have enjoyed developing it.

–Marlys & Angela